American Holocaust

27 Dec
This Nazi poster reads, "We do not stand alone" and it displays the American flag prominently among the nations that have instituted eugenics programs.
This Nazi poster reads, “We do not stand alone” and it displays the American flag prominently among the nations that have instituted eugenics programs.

Before I lay down the content of this post I wish to present the reader with a caveat. This post will present you with views that are highly controversial. I usually try to shy away from such writing as it is seldom uplifting and unifying but I believe, that for the sake of millions, it must be said. This post will have historical elements but it is not an overview of a particular historical event.

I was recently contemplating the essence of Social Darwinism, which is, simply put, evolutionary theory applied. I was thinking about the consequences this philosophy has had on the world. My mind was immediately drawn to Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. In this case, the Germans believed that they were the ubermensch, the Superhumans, and that others, Jews in particular, were subhuman and needed to be eliminated. We are, sadly, all aware of what happened. Because of their pride, hatred and racism, the Germans mass murdered millions of Jews, Slavs and other “unfit” peoples.

What we are not aware of is the movement in America that sought to do the same. In fact, the American eugenicists of the early 1900s set the stage for Nazism and believed that the Holocaust was the realization of their dreams and goals. In 1907, Indiana enacted a compulsory sterilization law. Thirty other states followed. Thousands of “unfit” individuals were sterilized against their will during this time. Most devastating though, was the foundation of “Planned Parenthood” in 1916 by Margaret Sanger.

Abortion soon became the American Holocaust. Between 1973 and 2011, 54.5 million babies were killed in America. During the Holocaust, the Nazis killed, in total, about 21 million people. American eugenics programs have massacred more than double what the Nazis did. Why do we not know this?

In 1945, as the American, Soviet and British armies were moving into Germany, they found the deadly legacy of Nazism. They brought hundreds of German civilians into the Nazi death camps and showed them the horror that had been happening under their noses. The German civilians were horrified beyond words, to see what their nation’s leaders had done. They had believed that Hitler was a fearless leader who was restoring a glorious Germany. They were unaware of the horror of Nazism. Let the same not be said of us. Let us not be told, or worse yet, showed, decades from now, the horror which we let slip past us. Let us do something about this Holocaust now. A country does not deserve to be honored with the title, “Civilization” as long as it kills its children. We are living in the midst of an American Holocaust. Let us not be so blind as the Germans of the 1940s and let this horror lie undisturbed.

2 Replies to “American Holocaust

  1. Thank you, Jace, for this excellent reminder of the holocaust occurring in our midst right now. Every day, 1,200 unborn babies are torn apart in clinics and hospitals throughout every American community. These killing centers – death camps – are located just blocks away from where we go to school, work, and worship. God is not pleased. From the ground, the blood of these children cries for justice. Thank you, Jace, for speaking up for the defenseless.

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